Februar 18, 2016

Protein Projekt (e)

I already mentioned on Instagram that I received my order from @proteinprojekt the last couple of days agoProtein Projekt is a German fitness website where you can buy any products like whey, bars, supplements, clothing and much more. I really recommend this website because shipping is within 2-3 days and it has also a pretty nice range of products. So please, take a look and check it out!

Anyway, that was the parcel and you already can see their... well, can I say it's a slogan? However, but it's really important to give always 100% whatever you're doing or what you're dreaming of.

»Whatever your 100% looks like give it!« 

But  now it's time to show you what's inside. 

So at first I ordered some HejBars and QuestBars. It was a 'buy 5 HejBars and get 2 Questis for free' sale. By the way, HejNutrition is Protein Projekt's new own brand!
They're all so delicious but to be honest: I like these HejBars so much more than QuestBars. I don't know why probably it's because Questis are too sweet for me. These two brands are very good though. 

The next thing in my little big parcel was a Protein Projekt shaker, which I got for free since I bought products for more than 20€. It's simply a good shaker. I don't know more I can say about it.

After that I ordered one of the new wheys by HejNutrition. It tastes like chocolate with a little bit of nougat. It's very hard to describe those things! #chocoholic
They're having two flavors of this whey. The other one is called Vanillionaire and guess what it tastes like? :D
Anyway, it comes in a big container with a 20 gr scoop to make it easier for you to pour the whey in a shaker or something like that.

Because I love to cook and bake I was searching for another option to sweeten my meals. I've already heard a lot of good things about Xucker and therefore I wanted to try it out. I ordered the light version. And just for you to know: 0,7 gr Xucker is the same like 1 gr normal sugar.

And last but not least: some ketones! It's a fatburner you can take before a meal or before gym. The flavor is raspberry.

Now I'm finished and I hope that you'll check out the website. 
Have a great day, guys, and see you next time! 


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